Deep Generative Modeling

CMU 18-789 - Spring 2025

Course Description

This course will explore the basics of deep generative modeling. It will cover common model paradigms including variational autoencoders, generative adversarial networks, normalizing flow models, diffusion models, and autoregressive models. Students will learn the relative advantages and disadvantages of different model choices, as well as the fundamental design choices that went into each idea. Students will get a chance to explore and present cutting-edge research, and will also implement and experiment with generative models through a course project.

Prerequisite: Knowledge about basic machine learning from 18-661 or equivalent. Proficiency in at least one programming language - preferably Python.

Time & Location

Mondays and Wednesdays, 2:00-3:20 pm ET in SH-236



Instructor Photo
Beidi Chen (beidic at

Office hours: Monday 4-5 PM at CIC 4118

Instructor Photo
Xun Huang (xuhuang1995 at

Office hours: Wednesday 4-5 PM, Location CIC 4120

Teaching Assistants

Instructor Photo
Yuwei An (yuweia at

Office hours: Tuesday 4-5 PM, Location CIC 4th Floor

Instructor Photo
Kai Hu (kaihu at

Office hours: Wednesday 4-5 PM, CIC 2206

Instructor Photo
Tong Yang (tongyang at

Office hours: Friday 3:30 - 4:30 PM, Location Porter Hall B

Instructor Photo
Chuqi Zhang (chuqiz at

Office hours: Friday, 1-2 PM, Location CIC 4th Floor